I'm loving pinterest as a way to store on-line recipes that I want to try. I've been pulling up my recipe board and getting inspired to make some new stuff like this soup, this chickpea curry dish (both of which are fantastic recipes) and this kale quinoa crustless quiche (which is tasty and easy, though not exactly mind blowing). The only problem is I also have to keep a file or bookmark for recipes that I find that don't contain a photo.
Our house addition construction continues (siding and windows in as of this week!) and pinterest is also good for saving images of possible bathroom tiles.
On Monday I received a restock of my favorite tea: Ceylon Fancy Silver Tips from Tea Trekker. It came on the perfect day (kids' first day back at school and all of us stumbling around in the afternoon from the early start). They haven't had this particular Ceylon in stock for about 6 months so I ordered kind of a lot of it...
I'm not the biggest non-fiction reader but have been totally sucked in and consumed by The Beauty and the Sorrow. It's an amazing book with a chilling ending.
And for Christmas we finally succumbed to the wishes of the small people and got an Xbox and I think it is...really pretty fun. I thought I'd hate the thing and then I found myself playing Rayman Origins with my kid for two hours. The Kinect is also pretty cool though it'll be better when we have a bigger living room.