Last night our home came under invasion.

Spaghetti Monster flew into our kitchen, circled around a few times and then chose to land

on the top of our Christmas Tree.
There he stayed, waving his noodly appendages and

muttering in Spaghetti lingo about pirates and climate change.
He is not
the first spaghetti monster to decide that the top of a Christmas Tree is a good place to put forth his message. But he may be the first of the knitted noodly brethren.
Construction Instructions:
FSM was made from a few miles (exaggeration) of 4-stitch knitted I-cord on size 8 dp needles and Lion Brand Wool-Ease cream yarn. The I-cord was tacked on a knitted stuffed sphere made of the same yarn. His meatballs are knitted stuffed spheres made with Lion Brand Suede yarn (it isn't easy to find meaty-colored yarn out there...). Two google eyes were attached to lightly wired eye-noodles and a few of the noodly appendages also were wired with jewelry wire so they could wave and wiggle effectively.