There he stayed, waving his noodly appendages and

He is not the first spaghetti monster to decide that the top of a Christmas Tree is a good place to put forth his message. But he may be the first of the knitted noodly brethren.
Construction Instructions:
FSM was made from a few miles (exaggeration) of 4-stitch knitted I-cord on size 8 dp needles and Lion Brand Wool-Ease cream yarn. The I-cord was tacked on a knitted stuffed sphere made of the same yarn. His meatballs are knitted stuffed spheres made with Lion Brand Suede yarn (it isn't easy to find meaty-colored yarn out there...). Two google eyes were attached to lightly wired eye-noodles and a few of the noodly appendages also were wired with jewelry wire so they could wave and wiggle effectively.
This must be what they mean by Christmas being under attack.
I don't know if you know this... but your instructions for this Noodly God representation are making their way around the internet. :-) Good work!
Oh, I found a knitting nancy to be handy for making the noodles.
I never knew what to do with my knitting spool...until now...thank you.
*bows before genius*
awesome! XD
Absolute sweetness :) Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Merry noodle-mas
What better way to be Touched By His Noodly Appendage on Christmas than with that amazing tree topper?
Nice work ;)
Take care,
Anne aka harajukuroxy
Great FSM! I want to make one! :)
That's so dumb.
are you/will you produce FSM tree toppers for sale?
bri at privateserv dot com
Would it be possible for some great Pastafarian to translate these unknowable knitting directions into the common language of crochet? I'm afraid I don't speak in tongues.
I finally got mine completed (the DAY that we put our tree up).
I was lazy, however, and just made pompoms out of brown yarn for the meatballs...
thank you SO much for sharing your instructions!
That's awesome!
(for a heathen. heh)
We just have a Hello Kitty topper. Now, that just seems boring!
Wow. I feel the noodly glow...and wish I could buy one from you...
funny monster,
how long the spaghety will last? I mean, after christmas can we eat the monster..? ha.. ha..
really cool!
where do you get the hello kitty topper? ive been looking everywhere,.....
RAmen, sistaa!
I plan on knitting this for our tree this year. Love him!
A creative hobby. thank you for sharing your instructions.
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