You'd think that wearing a fish on your head would just about guarantee a smile from a kid.

But my girl critter has been working on her face of gloom.

I had to jump around like a monkey to get her to crack, but I finally succeeded.

She almost looks cuter from behind. Which is good, because now that she's 6, apparently the age of turning away from mom has commenced.

Pattern info:
The fish hat is from this awesome
knitty pattern:
Fish Hat [Dead or Alive?] It was really fast and fun to knit and I got to use up a bunch of stashed scrap yarn. I'll probably be making one for every member of my family.
That's cute.
It has got the song "fish heads" stuck in my head now, though.
what a great hat, kate!
What is it about kids' headgear that looks like animals (or fish, or fruit)? I love this one!
First off - the fish hat is fantastic! Second of all, I cannot believe that is your little girl!!! That's just crazy. She looks like the perfect combo of you and your hubby.
Thinking of you all with the car company craziness. Hope you are staying sane.
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