As completely disgusted as I am by many of the people in our government, there is a weird feeling of ownership when it comes to DC. Maybe it was just knowing that a wee portion of my taxes cover the free admission to all the Smithsonian museums, or the swarms of tourists from all over the country, or just being able to walk from the capitol building to other buildings of major governmental importance, but it did remind me that patriotism shouldn't be a word co-opted by right-wing discourse.
I'd have to say one of the biggest pleasures of the trip was occasioned by a very small creature:
Food wise, traveling with my kids is always a challenge. I always want to hit the local ethnic places and they want a little culinary security when the rest of their world is in flux. Despite these challenges, I was determined to get some Vietnamese food while in DC.
Vietnamese food and DC go together in my head because I first tasted this cuisine when my parents took me there for my museum extravaganza when I was ten, and being a pretty flexible eater (for a kid) they took my sister and I to our first Vietnamese restaurant. I don't have strong memories of the food, but I do remember the lemonade served--it was fresh squeezed, lightly lemony and sugary, and I loved it. I remember being so surprised that my mouth wasn't being assaulted by excessive acid but that the flavor wasn't washed out, just delicate.
My kids, being no where near as flexible eaters as I was, would not go quietly to a Vietnamese restaurant (maybe Fiona on her own, but she follows Ian's lead when she sees him reject unfamiliar food). But thank god for take out. I hit a Safeway and got them frozen mac and cheese that we could nuke in the kitchenette at our hotel, then called in an order to a Vietnamese place that turned out to be really good called Minh's (their web site is still under construction). I felt reassured when I went in to pick up the order and saw mostly Asian people eating there.
I got us some classic Pho:
I would have liked to eat some more Vietnamese food while we were there, but felt grateful to have managed even a little. We did get to have another good meal which was made even more memorable for the company. Debbie met us at a kid-friendly Italian restaurant and I got to see her break pretty much every major Passover and Kosher food rule in one swell pizza!
I had an arugula, radicchio and Parmesan salad with a nice lemon dressing and a plate of good penne with broccoli, garlic, hot peppers and lots of anchovies.
The next day we headed north to Lancaster, PA. It may be the center of the Amish population but (little did I know before being married to Brian) it is also a pilgrimage place for choo-choo fanatics. I won't bore you with choo-choo sites other than to say that the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum is worth a visit, even if you are only mildly interested in trains. And Brian and the kids were kind enough to leave me behind at times so I got a bit of fiction writing going rather than waiting impatiently for them to emerge from various train sites and shops.
As a break in all the train talk, I organized a little outing to Hershey, PA to take the kids to the World of Chocolate:
The rampant consumerism of this enterprise stunned even me--I was expecting buying chocolate to be a big part of the place, but was amazed that the only "free" thing in the entire place was a 15 minute ride that explained how chocolate is made in a Hershey's factory. We went on it twice and the second time through, Fiona was so excited to see these mechanical singing cows that she mooed to them:
If you are a parent and are into, you know, making your kids happy out of their mind, you might want to take a trip to the Hershey mercantile enterprise, but I do have to make a plug here for a much better candy factory tour. Back in the summer of 2005 when we were back in the Bay Area showing the kids my old stomping grounds and eating good burritos and sushi 'till we felt ill, we also ventured inland a little ways and stopped at the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, CA.
This place had such an impact on Fiona (who was 2 years 4 months old at the time) that it still appears in her stories. Many evenings at bed time, we'll be asked to tell the story about how she and her favorite stuffed animal of the moment got on a train to go to the Jelly Belly Factory. On the way there, they have lots of adventures all of which culminate in a Jelly Belly sugar feast at the end of the trip.
Now, thanks to this most recent venture into kid candy land, our stories involve getting on a train in Hershey, PA with the singing cows and taking them on a trip across the country to the Jelly Belly factory.
1 comment:
Hallo, Kate--you don't know me but a friend of mine sent me to your site. I often enjoy your writing and swoon over the lovely food photos. This entry in particular serves as a snappy reminder that places like Hershey can enchant children even though we adults (over-thinkers) pause in horror at the sheer commercialism of the place. It's magic how children weave events such as a visit to singing cows into their imaginary adventures.
Hmm. . .O dear--realized that I'm signed on as "Chidester the Gumberry" (children's literary blog alter-ego) though I'm not in character at all--I'm actually Kim at the moment. Anyway, from Kim, thanks for the intriguing blog! O--and the lemon dessert looks divine! Cheerio!
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