There we met this fine fellow--a flamingo transformed into a dragon, all done with duct tape!
There were some other nice flamingos (flamingi?). There was a bird decorated to look like a strawberry (standing, appropriately, in a strawberry patch):
a bride and groom flamingo (which made me want to perch them on top of a really big cake):
and a few that had been transformed into other bird species, like this blue heron,
and this shy loon:
Maybe next summer I'll keep an eye out for cheap flamingos and see what the critters and I can come up with.
I love the flamingo.
At last count, had at least 15 in my yard. Not counting the ones that aren't pink.
I've been meaning to get over and see this exhibit. And I'll certainly come back to see what you come up with next summer. :)
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