I already have peeled and frozen some tomatoes and slow roasted and froze some other tomatoes and roasted some red peppers from previous weeks of the farm share so I'm hoping to experiment with some different batches. If I come up with a phenomenal new combination, I'll share the recipe.
So today, while the critters are easing themselves back into the school year, I'll be steaming up the house, peeling and skinning and chopping these fruits. I've loaded up my iPod with a bunch of my favorite podcasts and an audiobook that I've been meaning to listen to. And I'll try not to get so deeply involved that I forget to pick up the critters at the end of the school day...):
I love to read about everyone's back-to-school rituals--mine involve attempting to restore some order to the house, but mmm, peach jam. Or even peach salsa.
Hey, didn't you have a manuscript for me??
Oooo, so jealous! I love making my own salsa...it's divine. And peach jam sounds fabulous! I'm always a sucker for making my own concord grape jam. Farmer's market for me tomorrow!
Have a fun day with the canning!
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