Sunday, April 17, 2005


The treat-of-the-day was a small quantity of fiddlehead ferns. They were, not surprisingly, $10/lb at Whole Foods, but I knew I'd need a little something to look forward to on day 8 of the single-parenting adventure. I had heard that fiddleheads taste a bit like asparagus, so I prepared them my standard asparagus way, with olive oil, garlic, salt and lemon. And I can report that they do taste a bit like asparagus--a little more bitter, a little less grassy,and a tiny bit of the okra-slimy factor. The shape looks very neat on a plate and I'll keep my eye peeled for them on my next hike in the woods/foraging expedition, but I won't be paying $10 a lb for them in a store again. They'd probably be pretty good with foraged wild leeks (ramps) that I've found on occasion.


Anonymous said...

I'm imagining you photographing your frying pan!

Kate said...

Yea, I do feel pretty ridiculous these days, taking pictures of everything before we eat it! The other day Brian was reaching for the (pictured) asparagus and I yelled at him to wait 'till I'd taken the photo. He rolled his eyes a bit, but resisted the urge to call me a blogger-nut-case....