Monday, January 23, 2006

Ann Arbor Bloggin' News

Just a short post to direct you towards a terrific new blog my friend Deb started called "Blue Pencil: The Uninvited Editor". She re-edits sections of books mostly for the flaws that British authors make when trying to write American characters, but also just grammar goofs in general. The kind of thing that we passionate readers wish more PAID editors would catch before publication. As many of you know, my little sub-specialty in the uninvited editing world is culinary accuracy in fiction. Deb has the British/American idiom thing down pat.

And while this may not be news to you all, it was quite a thrill for me to meet Julie "The Bookworm" while swimming with my kids at the Y this morning. In between wrestling our respective children back into their clothing we were able to talk a little about books and the aesthetics of book printing and how we feel when a badly printed book or crappy cover art turns us off of the book.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kate! I just read The Illuminator by Brenda Something Rickman--I thought it was just so-so, but you might have seen the discussion about its cover art (linked from the Storytelling blog). I'm the same way about book design--and grammar goofs, too. My pet peeve is bad translations to/from Spanish in children's books, where it would seem especially important to get them right.

Julie said...

Funny, I just wrote a post about meeting a fellow blogger at the Y, too....